Thursday, April 3, 2008

Bye Bye Binky's

Monday was a sad sad day for Hudson. Xav and I decided to get rid of Hudsons Binky's. So I took him to lunch and then after lunch we went to ToysRus. I had 3 Binky's, so I told him to pick out three toys and we would trade each one for the Binky's. At the store he thought it was great.......until we got home and he didn't have them anymore. I have felt so bad for him because he gets the sadest look on his face and comes up to me and says "Binky". I think that I am having just as hard of a time because we are done with bottles and now Binkys and my little Hudson is now offically not a baby anymore.


Rachael said...

cool toys huddy! i hated the day we got rid of the binks , but after a few days they get over it! good luck!

Leyla... said...

I've been thinking of you guys and the binky! I hope its going well! Looks like Huddy picked some cool toys!